Towns along which the Portuguese Way of Saint James of the Coast passes.
Porto – Vairão – São Pedro de Rates – Póvoa de Varzim – Fonte Boa – Esposende – Marinhas – Castelo do Neiva – Viana do Castelo – Vila Praia de Âncora – Caminha – Vila Nova de Cerveira – Valença – Tui – Porrinho – Mós – Redondela – Arcade – Pontevedra – Barro – Briallos – Caldas de Rei Valga Pontecesures – Padrón – Teo – Santiago de Compostela
For the Camino de Santiago on the Portuguese coast, mainly see here how far you want to go per day. To also know where to sleep. subsequently make your bookings through booking or use the list of hostels below.
Places to sleep in Portugal
01 | 0 Porto | Porto Pilgrims’ Hostel |
02 | 24 Vairão | Pilgrims’ Hostel at the Monastery of Vairão |
22 | 39 Póvoa de Varzim | Albergue de Peregrinos San José de Ribamar |
04 | 56 Marinhas | Albergue de S. Miguel de Marinhas |
05 | 82 Viana do Castelo | São João dos Caminhos Pilgrims’ Hostel |
06 | 109 Caminha | Caminha Pilgrims’ Hostel |
07 | 141 Valença | São Teotónio Hostel |
Places to sleep in Spain
23 | [113] La Guarda | A Guarda pilgrim hostel |
24 | [137] Mougás | Albergue Turístico Aguncheiro |
25 | [154] Ramalhosa | Albergue-Hospedería Pazo Pías |
26 | [172] Freixo | Albergue De Peregrinos O Freixo |
08 | 145 Tui | Albergue De Peregrinos De Tui |
09 | 158 Porriño | Albergue de Peregrinos de O Porriño |
10 | Mos | Albergue de peregrinos Santa Baia de Mos |
11 | 174 Redondela | Albergue Casa Da Torre De Redondela |
12 | Arcade | Albergue Camino de Santiago O Lar de Pepa |
13 | 194 Pontevedra | Albergue Virgen Peregrina |
14 | Barro | Albergue de Peregrinos de Barro |
15 | Briallos | Albergue de Peregrinos de Briallos |
16 | 215 Caldas de Reis | Albergue O Cruceiro |
17 | Valga | Albergue de Peregrinos de Valga |
18 | Pontecesures | Albergue de peregrinos de Pontecesures |
19 | 233 Padrón | Albergue de peregrinos de Padrón |
20 | Teo | Teo Pilgrims’ Hostel |
21 | 258 Santiago de Compostela |
You can choose on this map by placing the cities where you will make your stopover per stage and also see which hotels or hostels you can sleep in.
Primordially making a good preparation and scheduling your sleeping arrangements before starting the Camino will above all make it more economical.
Choose the location of the next stage where you will stay overnight and make your reservations
Booking.comFind out how to rent bicycles in Portugal.
First of all look in our conditions how you can rent a bike in Portugal. Also for the Camino de Santiago as well as other tours you want to do in Portugal.
We deliver on site and the rental can be short or long term. Ask for a simulation according to the desired model and rental time.
The Camino de Santiago is an adventure, this is what you shouldn’t do just anyhow. So that beforehand you must prepare the logistics so that you do not have mishaps and setbacks. It is therefore important to make the sleeping arrangements in good time. You can use our links and suggestions for to book what you are looking for at that stage.
At first a well-slept and relaxed night is the motivation for the next day to set off with more motivation. Sometimes you should choose an accommodation that will effectively provide a moment of leisure and relaxation. Just as you should also have fibre- and energy-rich meals for the next day. In short, prepare in advance what you will need and how many kilometres you will cover each day.
Doing the Camino de Santiago in a simple way.
The Way of Saint James doesn’t have to be a race, in short you should choose the time you need within your availability. This way you can choose the cities and places since you will have a place to sleep. That way you can choose the locations within your budget and your needs. You can choose your equipment and bicycle according to what you really need, in other words, adapt the type of bicycle to the route you are going to take. For you don’t need to spend much of your budget on bike hire.
Along the Portuguese Camino de Santiago from the coast, if you are a walker and have an injury that does not allow you to walk. Do not continue in a way that is likely to increase your injury. If stopping is undeniably your goal. Try to do the Camino in another way that is certainly less harmful. Hire a bike with delivery equally on your Path, without having to detour. In order to be the most important not to create a major injury. Continue quietly on your way even more enjoying the trails.
At first ask for a simulation where to deliver the bike.
However, define where you want to return the bicycle. The bicycle must therefore stay in a hotel or accommodation. Therefore you should confirm in advance if in the last stage where you leave your bicycle they will keep it until you pick it up. In short, you don’t need to stop your way. This is just by deciding to do it differently.
Since the important thing is that the Way continues with the same value with which it began. In that sense getting to Santiago de Compostela is the most important thing.
Certainly at Turisbike you will find the set of services you need for your journey. Although it will alter your initial walking plans a little, the solution may be the right one. Contact us and we may have the service you need.
FAQ: Cammino di Santiago sulla costa portoghese
Il Cammino Portoghese di Santiago è uno dei percorsi di pellegrinaggio che porta i pellegrini a Santiago de Compostela in Spagna, passando lungo la splendida costa del Portogallo. Questo percorso è noto per i suoi paesaggi mozzafiato, che comprendono spiagge, città storiche e sentieri rurali.
Il Cammino da Costa può essere iniziato in diverse città lungo la costa portoghese, ma molti pellegrini scelgono di partire da Porto per la sua accessibilità e ricchezza culturale.
La durata del viaggio può variare notevolmente, a seconda del punto di partenza scelto e del ritmo di ciascun pellegrino. In generale, il viaggio da Porto a Santiago de Compostela può durare dai 7 ai 14 giorni.
Turisbike offre diversi servizi di supporto ai pellegrini, tra cui il noleggio di biciclette adatte alle lunghe distanze, il trasporto dei bagagli tra le tappe e l’assistenza meccanica lungo il percorso.
Sì, è consigliabile che i pellegrini abbiano un buon livello di forma fisica e una certa esperienza di ciclismo su lunghe distanze. È anche importante avere l’attrezzatura giusta, come una bicicletta adatta al percorso, un casco e un abbigliamento adeguato alle condizioni atmosferiche.
Gli articoli essenziali includono abbigliamento comodo per il ciclismo, casco, guanti, occhiali da sole, crema solare, kit di pronto soccorso, strumenti di base per il ciclismo, acqua a sufficienza e snack energetici. Turisbike può anche fornire accessori aggiuntivi come borse per facilitare il trasporto dei vostri effetti personali.
Sì, Turisbike offre la possibilità di noleggiare biciclette elettriche, che possono essere un’ottima scelta per chi vuole un aiuto in più nelle salite o semplicemente vuole godersi il viaggio con meno sforzo fisico.